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OCR: Delphi - Easystr File Edit Search View Compile Run Options Tools Help A ab] x . . .. .. his ... ... . .. .. + \Standard /Additional /Data Access /Data Controls /Dialogs /System /VBX Samples/ Object Inspector Easy String EasyString: TEasyString ActiveControl Valid Label1 AutoScroll False +Borderlcons [biSystemMenu BorderStyle bsSizeable Valid Bad Caption Easy String ClientHeight 108 ClientWidth 39 Color clBtnFace { This program demonstrates some basic facts CH3C True about the way strings are structured. In particular, Cursor crDefault it gives you a look at the length byte, which is the Enabled True zeroth element in all Pascal based strings. The length +Font [TFont] byte determines the length of a string. If the FormStyle IsNormal length byte is too large, then garbage characters can Height 135 appear in your strings. HelpContext 0 Properties Events/ interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, 6 15 Modified Insert . .* Program Main .. Manager